After much perspiration and holding-of-breath, I am proud to debut a peek at my latest comic coloring work.

So finish up that fried iguana sandwich and pony on up to your local Gummint Funnybook Emporium where you can trade your wampum for a shiny new Shaolin Cowboy number 7, written and drawed by the estimable
Mr. Geof Darrow and colored by yours truly. The fine folks at
Burlyman Entertainment will thank you, and I thank you.
It is a great honor for me to work alongside Geof Darrow and Spencer Lamm on this wildly popular, Eisner Award-winning series. I look forward to feedback — drop me a line here at the blog or in person at the conventions I’ll be attending this year, San Diego Comic-Con in July and Chicago’s Wizard World in August.