The Studio Astromonster store,
Emporio Astromonster, opened on July 25 under the aegis of
Charlie Athanas' newest venture, the
Burning City Webstore. I'm honored to be the first guest artist represented in the store; other notables to be joining soon. In addition to Charlie's own work featuring
Ralph the Punk and theater posters for
Clive Barker and
William Gibson stage adaptations, my initial three designs are available as well. Choose from a variety of apparel—tee shirts, jerseys and such, babydolls, camisoles and spaghetti tees for the ladies. I'm already working away at new pieces for future releases. Featured now are "Astrobrain," "Super Giant," and the "Bat Lady," about whom, more will be posted soon.

Proceeds from the sales of Astromonster merchandise go to support the Foundation for Interspecies Affairs, United Planets Federation.
I realized, after your recent comment regarding the turtles, that you weren't in my RSS feed reader any longer. I switched PC's and a bunch of sites fell through the cracks.
I'd been meaning to stop by and say that it was nice to meet you at Wizard World, too. I picked up the Heinlein book we discussed, Grumbles from the Grave and I've made my way through most of it.
Our conversation about taking a subject and giving it the respect it deserved definitely ran through my head as I did the turtle illustrations.
Thanks, Ray. Sometimes I have turtles running through my head—but that's another story.
Heh, nothing that couldn't be fixed with a gamma blast via a head emerging from dark matter!
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